Presentation is a work-in-progress (working on converting PPT information to Markdown).
• Science and Engineering Building (SEB)
• SOFC Basics
• Diffusion Flux Model
• SOFC Design
– Tubular SOFC Design by Siemens-Westinghouse
– Balance of Plant (BOP) Components
• Results
• Conclusion
Science and Engineering Building (SEB)
SOFC Basics
SOFC Basics
SOFC Advantages
• Fuel Flexibility
• Nonprecious metal catalyst
• High-quality waste heat for cogeneration applications
• Solid Electrolyte
• Relatively high power density
Diffusion Flux Model
Diffusion Flux Model
Mole Fraction
Diffusion Flux Model
Mole Fraction
Diffusion Flux Model
• Increasing the hydrogen stoichiometric factor was found to have minimal effect on the overall performance of the system while only decreasing the fuel efficiency.
• The oxygen stoichiometric factor played a larger role, with diminishing returns as the value was increased.
SOFC Design: BOP Components - Inverter
• In order to meet the ~2600 kVA design of the SEB, a power inverter was necessary.
• From the technical sheets, we found that the AAB Compact Skid PVS980-CS-US was adequate, providing up to 4000 kVA power output through a dual inverter system.
• The power input to this inverter setup is 6400 kW with a maximum input voltage of 1,500 V.
• The fuel cell system is designed to provide the inverter system with its maximum possible input when operating at 90% of the limiting current density.
Tubular SOFC Design by Siemens-Westinghouse
• A tubular fuel cell design is implemented
• The dimensions of each cell are provided in the table below:
SOFC Design
SOFC Design: BOP Components -
• To design the stack, an operation temperature of 925 K was chosen with hydrogen
and oxygen stoichiometric factors of 1.25 and 3, respectively. The pumps operate
at 500 LPM flow rate.
• For these conditions, the model gives the following stack results:
• Under the operational load of 2,600 kVA for this same stack we get:
• The design and operation point of the fuel cell stack can be plotted over the j-V
and power curves to better illustrate the results.