Flexible electroactive polymer gel-based artificial skin: flow sensing and visualization


There has been a recent research breakthrough in the understanding of the unique mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) abilities of a new class of electroactive polymer materials, soft polymer gels. These electroactive gel polymers, commonly PVC-based, have been widely studied regarding their actuation abilities. As far as electromechanical theory, the currently accepted mechanism for polymer gel actuation has been primarily attributed to mobile plasticizer migration towards the space charge layer near the anode. The anodophilic nature of the plasticizer provides a variety of potential applications, largely dependent on electrode geometry and configuration. As an artificial mechanotransductor however, the current hypothesis of a polymer gel’s sensing mechanism has been recently attributed to the phenomenon known as Langmuir adsorption. Upon applying a compressive strain to these soft sensors, plasticizer will exhibit migration towards the polarized adsorbed layer at the electrode interface. In this study, an application-based approach is considered to further exercise the content of the suggested polymer gel MET theory. Due to its compliant nature, the polymer gel sensor (PVC and TPU-based), was able to be applied to a hydrofoil body – acting as an artificial skin. Secondary benefits of this soft material include tunability of the material and response characteristics, translucence, high sensitivity, and a recent interest in potential photosensitivity. Outcomes of this study include the characterization of polymer gel sensors within an aquatic environment, as well as hydrofoil flow visualization via particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) with analogous acquired gel sensor data.

In Proceedings Volume PC12482, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXV
Nazanin Minaian
Nazanin Minaian
Ph.D. Candidate | Graduate Research Assistant

My research interests include electroactive polymers, flow sensing, energy harvesting, and computer vision.